Mom and baby sprout took a trip to Wash. DC, to visit Matt, Kristin, Skylar and their new addition, Sienna Ashlynn. We celebrated Skylar's birthday and sprout was so excited that she first began kicking here, letting mom know that she wanted to join in the fun as well.
Dave, Kathy, Olivia & Grace came down from Hershey to help celebrate the occasion and joined us all on a trip to the zoo. Olivia is turning thirteen and Grace is ten.
A full month has passed since I posted my last entry to the blog, but I am happy to report that mom and baby (and dad!) are doing well. It has been raining a lot here recently, but we managed to get one really nice sunny day, where we took some pictures.
Our little sprout is growing and has started to kick which is fun. Each new day and week that passes brings something new. We have started talking to her, as we heard that babies can recognize and respond to voices, so we have been giving her some advice like she cannot date until she is 25...... you know, important stuff!!