We often joke that Graeme can literally fall asleep anywhere! Must have been the 3 week stay in the NICU with all the monitors and alarms that allows him to tune things out and drift off into a happy sleep! In fact, we have found that the louder the party the longer the nap! These photos were taken at our neighborhood playgroup Christmas Party and Cookie Exchange. With 17 kids (3 and under) and all hyped up on sugar, it was quite a wild event! But sweet Graeme proved once again to be the "Life of the Party" as he drifted off to sleep 5 minutes into the festivities and even slept through our mini photo shoot!!
We silly Moms are finally realizing that once these little ones hit two it is a lot harder to line them up for a smiling photo on the couch. They sure did look cute in person and the all have so much fun playing together. Wouldn't know it from the picture, but it's true! We feel so blessed to have such fun kids in our neighborhood!