Friday, July 23, 2010

Making up for Lost Time!!

Where does the time go? Not so sure these days, but I can tell you that our growing sprout blog has taken a back burner, while our "growing sprout" just continues right on growing. Mariana is 23 months old and a barrel of fun!!

I apologize to all our regular viewers who have given up on us, but will attempt to capture a few fun memories from January through July 2010! What a busy time this has been. As many of you know we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our "Second Sprout" -ETA August 6th! With this in mind, we plan to use the blog more regularly to update friends and family as we welcome our little guy into the world. With this said, it's time for Mommy Sprout to get on the ball and make up for lost time.

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