Our Peaceful Boy!
Yummy Watermelon
"Man, these photo shoots are exhauting!"

Rub a Dub Dub, Kickin' in the tub!

Checking myself out in the mirror

Hanging out in the swing
Graeme is now home and he is 4 1/2 weeks old. Mommy Sprout must apologize for taking a bit longer to get back into the swing of things with the blog, as having two kids under the same roof has been absolutely exhausting! (And I thought it was rough commuting to and from the hospital). Anyway, we feel very blessed to have Graeme at home and we are extremely grateful to have Gran here, helping us as we adjust.
Rub a Dub Dub, Kickin' in the tub!
Checking myself out in the mirror
Hanging out in the swing
I love my sweet Gran!
Graeme is now home and he is 4 1/2 weeks old. Mommy Sprout must apologize for taking a bit longer to get back into the swing of things with the blog, as having two kids under the same roof has been absolutely exhausting! (And I thought it was rough commuting to and from the hospital). Anyway, we feel very blessed to have Graeme at home and we are extremely grateful to have Gran here, helping us as we adjust.
Graeme really seems to be thriving at home. He is eating well and had gained 4 more ounces at his first pediatrician appointment. Despite the fact that he does have reflux (as a result of his surgery), it doesn't seem to bother him too significantly. He doesn't spit up at all and he has had no signs of aspiration. Pretty amazing for a child undergoing a TE Fistula repair (or so we are told).
Graeme is also sleeping quite well both at night and during the day. We can only hope that this will last in the coming days, weeks and months. So far he seems to be a really laid-back fellow (wonder who he gets that from). He will go with the flow if we need to run errands or take Mariana somewhere and he can fall asleep just about anywhere. Mommy is so jealous!!
Tomorrow we will meet with his pediatric surgeon for his surgery follow-up appointment. We are anticipating that they may take him off his medicine for reflux...which would be truly miraculous given what he has been through!
Mariana has struggled quite a bit with sharing the attention in the house. She has begun to really show us just how bad the "terrible twos" can be and she certainly knows how to push her Mommy's buttons!! She does best when she is able to "help" Mommy with diaper changes and giving the baby a bath, but she just can't understand why she cannot carry Graeme herself or put him into the carseat and swing.
Outside of having several sweet moments of loving on her brother, Mariana has spent most of the week playing with Gran! Oh, how she will miss all the fun times with Gran, when she has to return home on Saturday. What a lifesaver Gran has been!!
Well, that's about it from this week. We are all adjusting to a new normal and trying to catch up on sleep when we can. Thanks again, for all your prayers and support. We hope to update the blog at least weekly, if not more often.
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