Monday, August 16, 2010

August 16, 2010 - Minor Setback

Today Graeme had his swallow study in which he was given a small amount of dye while they took pictures of his esophagus. Although Graeme was very eager to swallow the dye (or anything they would have given him), they unfortunately found a small leak in his esophagus. This will not require surgery, but rather several more days of healing. They will do a second swallow test toward the end of the week.

They also took an x-ray today to be sure Graeme's NG tube was placed correctly. It is indeed in the right place which is good news, however, it continues to drain quite a bit of fluid, which is concerning to the doctors. They will have to do more tests to determine where this excess drainage is coming from.

On a positive note, Graeme was very calm and comfortable today. He required much less pain medicine and slept in Mommy's arms for nearly 3 hours! They say rest is the best "healer". Although the doctors are feeding Graeme through an IV, he definitely is showing signs that he is eager to begin regular feeding. We are hopeful that by the end of the week he will pass his swallow test and have his NG tube removed to allow for his first real meal.

We continue to appreciate all your emails, phone calls, prayers and support!


Debbi said...

It goes without saying that you are all in our hearts and prayers...may Graeme be blessed with healing and all of you be blessed with peace.
Love and hugs,
Kim &Debbi

Laura said...

What a journey you all have been on. As I read each day I see Graeme is improving which is such a blessing. We are praying for baby Graeme everyday! Love, Laura, Troy and Chase