Thursday, August 19, 2010

August 19, 2010 - Hungry Boy

Today we had another visit from the Pediatric Surgeon. He decided to remove the suction from Greame's NG tube as he was concerned that the suction may have been so strong that it was reversing Graeme's gastric motility. Since they removed the suction, Graeme has had much fewer secretions. However, since they removed the suction he has also had more congestion in his upper airway. We are concerned that he may be experiencing some reflux.

Mommy spent the majority of the day at the hospital and will spend the night as well in an effort to console Graeme without pain medication. He is very easily consoled and does not appear to be in pain. He just seems to get fussy whenever he is hungry or wants to be held. Two very natural desires for a baby his age. Graeme is also starting to show all the signs of a hungry baby. The TPN just isn't cutting it for him anymore and we feel this must be a sign he is getting better. We are really hoping that come Monday we will get the news that we can start feeding him.

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