Sunday, August 22, 2010

August 22, 2010 - All dressed up with no place to go

Our little sprout is making leaps and bounds in the feeding department. He started the morning by taking twice as much per feeding as yesterday. By late afternoon he was feeding so well that the neonatalogist cleared him to begin breastfeeding. The doctors have cut back his supplemental IV feedings in hopes that it will boost his appetite, but as of right now he has already regained his birth weight. In fact, tonight he weighed in at 8 lbs. 2 ounces. All of his doctors are amazed at his rapid progress. He looks like an entirely different child - with full cheeks AND yes.... the "Morgan double chin"!

Graeme is still experiencing a great deal of reflux with each feeding, however, it does not seem to be bothering him nearly as much as it was yesterday.
Another big step today, was that Graeme has so few IV lines that he now can wear regular clothes. Sweet little boy was all dressed up with no place to go!!

The doctors seem to think that if Graeme continues to make such good progress, he may be able to go home next week. We are truly amazed and so grateful for this good news and wonderful progress. Thanks for your continued prayers!


Jeffery said...

Thank you for the update on Graeme. We are praising God for the progress and continue to pray for Graeme and your family.

Debbi said...

What wonderful news!! He is so precious!
Love to all,
Kim and Debbi

Corrie Crews said...

Praise God! We are so very happy to hear this news! We will keep praying!

Mama TT said...

Amen! So glad Graeme is doing better!
Brandon and Renee